What is it?
Tetanus is a toxin produced by a bacteria that lives in soil
Diphtheria is caused by a bacteria that infects the respiratory system
It produces a toxin that can affect the heart, skin and nervous system
How do I get these diseases?
Tetanus: From cuts that get dirt in them. Eg: falling off a motorbike and getting ‘road rash’
Diphtheria: From being around other people who carry the disease
What happens?
Tetanus: Can cause severe muscle spasms and admission to intensive care is often required
Symptoms can last for weeks
Without proper care it can be fatal
Diphtheria: Can be treated with antitoxin and antibiotics
Untreated it can be fatal
What can I do about it?
Vaccination is an effective prevention for both tetanus and diphtheria
A booster should be given every 10 years
"The Burnaby location has very nice staff that makes your less than fun stay much better (who likes being stuck by one or more needles). They give vaccinations for basically anything that you could need wile out travelling the world. "
Mike. G - Yelp